But this event is preceded by a series of biochemical reactions. The empirical formula of chlorophyll-a molecule is i C55H72O5N4Mg. (b): Chlorophyll is the green pigment present in plants and some photosynthetic bacteria. These enzymes hydrolyze the starch stored in endosperm into glucose which is | necessary for use both as a respiratory substrate and as a source of carbon skeletons of the molecules needed for growth. (c): Gibberellins play a role in the elongation of internodes in ‘rosette’ plants. 12. 122. Treatment of seeds at low temperature under moist conditions to break its dormancy is called. Chlorosis involves non-development or loss of chlorophyll. 187. Disclaimer Copyright. 128. of guard cells —» Exosmosis from guard cell —» Stomata close. (a): Gibberellic acid is a simple weakly acidic plant growth hormone which promotes cell elongation of both leaves and stems in general and internodal length of genetically dwarf plants in particular. Medical aspirants usually find NEET Biology MCQ Preparation be the easiest portion to cover but if there is no practice it will be zero results. 5. It also helps in binding of ribosomal particles where protein synthesis occurs. All other like Zn, Cu and Mn are micronutrients of plants. Copper is present in haemocyanin. Chlorophyll-a molecule at its carbon atom 3 of the pyrrole ring II has one of the following, 102. Mg atom is present in the centre of porphyrin head, it is like tennis racket. It is an activator in the enzyme tryptophan synthetase. In dark reaction, which occurs in stroma fraction of chloroplast, actual reduction of C02 to carbohydrates takes place using the assimilatory powers (ATP and NADPH2) produced in the light dependent phase. 50. Cold stress is a major abiotic stress challenge that negatively impacts plant growth, metabolism, development, and productivity. 159. 173. The plant must have been supplied with H2O with 18O. 144. It involves photo-oxidation of different cellular components including chlorophyll. The first cytokinin to be discovered was the synthetic analog kinetin. (b), Previous Years GATE Questions on Engineering Materials 2002-2011, Previous Years GATE Questions on Joining Process 2005-2011, Previous Years GATE Questions on Joining Process 2001-2004, Previous Years GATE Questions on Forming Process 2007-2013, Previous Years GATE Questions on Forming Process 2004-2006. 135. Lenticels are characteristics of woody stem but they are also found in roots of trees and other perennials for entry of oxygen through them. Hatch” and Slack (1966) reported that a 4-C compound oxaloacetic acid (OAA) is the first stable product in C02 reduction process. It is a constituent of ferredoxin and some of the lipids present in chloroplasts. The plants, bending towards the source of light are called positively phototropic. The water potential and osmotic potential of pure. 10. (c): Bladderwort or Utricularia is a rootless free floating insectivorous plant. MCQs on Plant Taxonomy for NEET 2020 (pdf) Download. The results in a constant flow of energy 147. Which treatment could be most beneficial to obtain maximum seed yield? A quantum of light is absorbed by a single antenna chlorophyll, then it migrates from one molecule to the other till it reaches the reaction centre. Copper is absorbed on the clay particles as divalent cations, from where it can be absorbed by the plants by exchange mechanism. (a): Richmond and Lang, 1967 observed that degradation of protein and chlorophyll was delayed in the detached leaves, if there was cytokinin in the medium. Which one is an essential mineral, not constituent of any enzyme but stimulates the activity of many enzymes. increases in sub-stomatal cavities —» ABA participation K+ ions exchange stopped —» K+ ions transported back into subsidiary cells —> Decreased pH —> Starch synthesized in guard cells —» Decreased O.P. 40. 178. (d) transpiration pull and cohesion theory of Dixon and Jolly. (c): Movement may be of two types, movement of locomotion and movement of curvature. 14. Chelation is the process by which certain micronutrients are treated to keep them readily available to a plant once they are introduced into the soil. The biennials form their vegetative body in the first year. It kills weeds perhaps by over stimulated root growth. Carotenoids absorb light mostly in the blue region of spectrum of light. PMA is an antitranspirant. 180. Pungent floroue and odour of mustard, cabbage, turnip etc. (b): In a full turgid cell. Anthesis is a phenomenon which refers to. 157. Further it has enzyme PEP-carboxylase. It is only carried out by prokaryotic microorganisms. Chlorophyll-a is the only one common to all organisms that possess chlorophyll (the only one in blue green algae) and is believed to be specifically required. Gibberellins induce cell division and cell elongation, when bolting takes place. The electron is now transferred to a non-heme iron protein called ferrodoxin (Fd) from which electron is transferred to NADP’ intermediate protein electron carrier ferrodoxin- NADP reductase. When the apex containing auxin is removed or decapitation is done, then axillary buds show their growth, this is because the apical dominance is removed. MCQ on Plant Physiology- Water Relations of Plants. 87. Lin electron transport system in photosynthesis. Biotic Stress. This led to an alternative pathway of C02 fixation which is known as Hatch and Slack’s cycle or C4 cycle. In active water absorption water is absorbed by the activity of the root itself. 20. The C02 fixation during C4 pathway occurs in the chloroplast of. If solutes are added to water its potential becomes less than that of pure waters is expressed as a negative value. 116. 177. (a): Azolla is an aquatic fern which is inoculated in the rice field to increase the yield. Vernalization is a period of cold treatment for plants, usually perennials or trees. During this electron transport FAD and Fe of different cytochromes are successively reduced and oxidised and at certain points, enough energy is released which is used to bind ADP with ip to form ATP (figure). 42. Members of Cruciferae and animal proteins are rich sources of sulphur; other vegetable proteins (e.g., pulses) have only little sulphur. (a): Gibberellin is the hormone that breaks seed/ bud dormancy. 9. 188. Ans - C In this mechanical engineering coures we study of power plant mcq or objective. 167. (d) movement of sunflower head tracking the sun. Calvin and his co-workers were able to formulate the complete metabolic path of carbon assimilation in the form of cycle which is called as Calvin cycle. When apical bud is removed the lateral buds sprout. 135. Most of them absorb light of voilet and blue range. Imbibition of water causes the embryo within seed to produce a- and P-amylases. So, cell A having lower DPD, water will move from cell A to B. Cytokinins are also very important for plant development they are associated with the control of apical dominance, i fruit development, root growth, cambial activity. Giberellins are synthesized in the apical shoot buds, root tips and developing seeds. (a): The 1992 Nobel prize for medicine was awarded to edmond H. fischer and Edwin J. Krebs for their work concerning reversible protein phosphorylation as biological regulation mechanism. 77. Under water stress condition ABA increases which induces stomatal closure. In C4 plants, there are two carboxylation reactions which occur first in mesophyll chloroplasts and then in bundle sheath chloroplasts. 4. Borthwick, Hendicks and Parker in 1952, discovered phytochrome, which is a pigment received light existed in two inter convertible forms active form and inactive form. Its symptoms include greyish – brown elongated specks and streaks, empty panicles, interveinal chlorosis on stem and leaves. Hatch and Slack (1966) reported that a 4-C compound oxaloacetic acid (OAA) is the first stable product in CO2 reduction process. 172. (d): Transpiration is least in high atmospheric humidity. At Agriexam.com You Can Read Soil Mechanics MCQ for Exams Like IBPS- AFO (Agriculture Field Officer) Iffco, Kribhco, NFL, NSC, ICAR-JRF/SRF/ ARS, IARI, TNAU, RAEO, RHEO, ADO, SADO, DDA, ADA, MP Vyapam (PEB), FCI, ASRB, ARS,B.sc. Both plants fix CO2 until the CO2 compensation point of the C, plant is reached, but the C4 plant will photosynthesize at still lower CO2 concentrations using CO, lost by respiration. When such leaf tips happen to touch the soil, they form new plant. 18. Plant completes its life cycle quickly, when stress is not present, in order to try and avoid stress What is stress postponement? Pr is bluish phytochrome it absorbs light at 660 to 680 nm of wavelength. It is because ‘flavanoids’, which are inhibitors of GA are not formed in dark and hence in absence of flavanoids, GA show their full effect, i.e., elongation (etiolation). At constant temperature, the rate of transpiration will be higher at. When a cell is fully turgid, which of the following will be zero? (b)     7. During seed germination, especially of cereals giberrelin stimulates the production of some messenger RNAs and then hydrolytic enzymes like amylases, lipases, proteases. (c)    14. (ii) Presence of impermeable (impervious) seed coat to H20, e.g. A photosynthesising plant is releasing lsO more than the normal. 120. (d): Removal of apical bud shows lateral branching. We have Provided Globalisation and the Indian Economy Class 10 Economics MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the … Here you can find the Lecture Notes in Plant Physiology. 118. It is constituent of plastocyanin which takes part in electron transport during photosynthetic phosphorylation. Biology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for Different Competitive Exams. 56. 22. (b): Cytochromes are electron transferring proteins often regarded as enzymes. It is not a constituent of any enzyme but accelerates the rate of activity of many enzymes. Which is the first C02 acceptor enzyme in C4 PLANTS? So a nitrogenous fertilizer like NPK and Cytokinins are most beneficial to the plant. Section 391 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Cr.P.C.) Bananas can be prevented from over-ripening by. Dwarfness can be controlled by treating the plant with. ABA is also a growth inhibitor. (b): Klinostat is used to study growth movements. 71. In the shoot tips auxins are produced. 58. Oxaloacetic acid is a 4-C compound and is the first stable product so this pathway is known as C-4 cycle. 65. It involves cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation where assimilatory powers (ATP and NADPH2) are produced. Cytokinin is a growth promoting phytohormone that causes cell division, morphogenesis and seedling growth. The ability of a plant to adapt, grow and survive is influenced by its environment. Each jaw has long sensitive hairs on its upper surface and also has many digestive enzymes. So leaf abscission is not associated with gibberellic acid but with abscisic acid. (d): The pressure that develops in a cell due to osmotic diffusion of water inside it, is called turgor pressure. 40.23 Mpa 168. These jaws interlock to trap the insect that enters in it. Then water from root hair moves to the cells of the cortex along the concentration gradient and finally reaches the xylem. Reception of pollen by stigma is called pollination. These movements are controlled by biological clock, while the other conditions bending of shoot towards light, movement of root towards soil and movement of sunflower head tracking the sun are the conditions related to auxins. 79. When the insect enter the pitcher it is an external stimulus, so the closure of the lid is paratonic movement. Then they pass through a winter season and then produce flowers and fruits in the second year. 109. Chlorophylls and other photosynthetic pigments are confined to grana. or S.P. This ATP helps in the active pumping of water in the guard cells and stomata open. (b): 2,4-D is a famous herbicide or weedicide which especially kills broad leaved weeds. 81. (c): Gray spot diseases of oat is caused due to deficiency of manganese. It takes place in stroma portion of the chloroplast and is independent of light i.e., it can occur either in presence or in absence of light provided that assimilatory power available. g. Xanthium (cocklebur). This zone is called as abscission zone. The first visible sign of germination is the emergence of the radicle from the seed. The oxaloacetic acid breaks up into pyruvic acid and CO2 which combines with RUDP to form PGA as in Calvin cycle. 56. (c): Water occurs in the soil in the different forms as : Free water, gravitational water, hygroscopic water, chemically combined water and capillary water. Seed coats may contain relatively high concentrations of growth inhibitors that can suppress germination of the embryo. These bodies remain along the walls of sieve tube elements. Carotenoids mostly absorb is the blue region of the spectrum. In passive water absorption transpiration pull is responsible for absorption of water. It can be prevented from over-ripening by dipping in ascorbic acid solution. (c): When a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution then endosmosis occurs it means water enters in the cell and makes the cell turgid. Here one molecule of ATP is produced between plastoquinone and cytochrome f, whereas in cyclic photophosphorylations only PS-I is involved. Passive absorption of minerals depend on. Which aquatic fern performs nitrogen fixation? The deficiencies of micronutrients, not only affects growth of plants but also vital functions such as photosynthetic and mitochondrial electron flow. How is Equilibrium Price determined in a Market? Nicotiana sylvestris flowers only during long days and N.tabacum flowers only during short days. 0. b. CO2 acceptor molecule in mesophyll chloroplasts is PEP (phospho-enol pyruvate) and not RuBP. Similarly plasmodesmata are also present between the mesophyll cells and companion cells and also between mesophyll cells and sieve tubes. The grana lamellae are paired to form sac like structures and form thylakoids. 111. (d): Phytochrome is a bright blue or bluish green- pigment which was first of all isolated from plasma membrane of alga Mougeotias.Phytochrome has a light absorbing or light detecting portion (the chromophore) attached to small protein of about 1,24,000 daltons. This quantum of light is used for generating ATP and NADPH. Shelf life of cut shoots and flowers is krolonged by employing the hormones. (d), 22. Some C4 species are even saturated by normal atmospheric CO2 concentrations. (b): Leg haemoglobin is a red respiratory pigment found in the root nodules of leguminous plant if Rhizobium is present. During monsoon, the rice crop of eastern states of India shows lesser yield due to limiting factor of. (d): Cytokinins delay senescence of leaves and other organs by mobilisation of nutrients. Opening of floral buds into flowers, is a type of. In this page you can learn various important theory of structures questions and answers,sloved theory of structures model question papers, mcq on theory of structures, structural analysis questions answers etc. 93. Here two types of chloroplasts are present – bundle sheath chloroplasts and mesophyll chloroplasts. Cyt. (b): Cytokinin are plant growth hormones which are basic in nature cytokinins induce formation of new leaves chloroplasts in heaves, which inturn keeps the leaves green for a longer duration of time. 55. Feel free to contact the Admin if you have any doubts or quires. Sometimes movements are controlled by presence or absence of light, eg. The rest of soil water (hygroscopic, combined, free, gravitational and 25% capillary water) are not available to plants. If a tree flowers thrice in a year (Oct., Jan. and July) in Northern India, it is said to be, (c) photosensitive but thermo-insensitive. 80. 26. 14. The first product formed is oxaloacetic acid and this is because it is known as C4 cycle. In soil, water available for plants is. NAA prevents formation of this layer and so it prevents fall of leaf or fruit. (c): Diffusion pressure deficit is the reduction in the diffusion pressure of water in a system over its pure state. Low temperature, 0°C to 10°C or 18°C – 22°C (according to species) treatment of certain species for a specified period for the induction of ability to promote flowering is called vernalisation. Phototropism means growth of plants in response to light and geotropism means growth of plants towards gravity. (b): Photolithotrophs are those plants that obtain energy from radiation and hydrogen from inorganic compounds. 65. of family Brassicaceae is due to the presence of sulphur containing oils. (a): The loss of water through water stomata (hydathodes) is called as guttation. 45. Thus, the osmotic entry of water is due to high osmotic pressure of the cell sap. It has tadpole like configuration. 183. 65. Iron is constituent of cytochrome and haemoglobin. (c): P-proteins (Phloem proteins) are components found in large amounts in phloem sieve tubes. Thus ATP synthesis occurs in both PS-I and PS-II. (Diameter of bar = 40 mm , θ = 42.3 o) a. The apparatus is placed in the sunlight. It is always from an area or cell of lower DPD to the area or cell of higher DPD. Solve 15 Online MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) on Plant Water Relations. Enzyme involved is RuBP- carboxylases which in normal O2/CO2 conc. Manganese is absorbed by the plants when it is in the bivalent form. Light energy absorbed by pigment in the two systems is ultimately trapped by the P700 and P6g0. 15. 150. Obviously it is not available to the plants. Only one molecule of oxygen is fixed here. In sugarcane plant 14CO2 is fixed in malic acid, in which the enzyme that fixes CO2 is. The reduction of CO2 to carbohydrates, needs assimilatory powers, i.e., ATP and NADPH,. It involves production of two ATP molecules, no NADPH, is produced. It is based up on three basic assumptions which are cohesion in between water molecules, continuity of water column and transpiration pull. These C4 plants have a characteristic leaf anatomy called Kranz anatomy. This is considered to be due to some barriers or blocks inside the seeds. 115. Na is a non-essential element. A natural growth regulator is 1.NAA 2,4-D Benzaldehyde Ethylene Answer: 4 Q3. Cell B has osmotic pressure 8 atm, turgor pressure 3 atm and diffusion pressure deficit 5 atm. 51. 12. (a), 8. 50. Once you have answered the questions, click on 'Submit Answers for Grading' to get your results. The grana of chloroplasts contain many collaborating molecules of pigment. (iii) Presence of impermeable seed coat to oxygen; e,. acts as ‘carboxylase’. The closure of lid of pitcher in pitcher plant, is due to. Manganese participates in the photolysis of water in pigment system II during photosynthesis and thus it helps in the electron transport from water to chlorophyll. The concentration of ABA increases in the leaves of plants facing such stresses; hence it is called as a stress hormone. Which of the following prevents the fall of fruits? Article shared by: 90 + Objective Type Questions and Answers on Plant Physiology for Students! (d): The dark reactions or Blackman’s reactions or biosynthetic phase involves three steps: (i) which is fixation of CO2, (ii) Reduction of CO2 and (iii) synthesis of other compound from glucose. Introduction Plant Physiology - Plant Physiology is the study of inner activities of the plant. (c)    27. A bottle filled with previously moistened mustard seeds and water was screw capped tightly and kept in a corner. (b): In terrestrial habitats, temperature and rainfall conditions are influenced by transpiration. As compared to a C3-plant, how many additional molecules of ATP are needed for net production of one molecule of hexose sugar by C4-plants? Other important metabolites are the amino acids glycine and serine. Answer … This inability of viable seeds to germinate even under favorable conditions is called dormancy of seeds. The enzyme catalyzing this reaction is RuBP-carboxylase/ oxygenase (Rubisco). 45. Because xylem is responsible for upward movement of water and minerals, so it cannot account for downward translocation of solute at the same time. 21. (a): Gibberellins promotes seed germination. The movement of organic material is bidirectional. This is known as ascent of sap. (d): Phytoplanktons in oceans are the greater produces of organic matter. The net force with which water is drawn into a cell is equal to the difference of OP and TP, known as diffusion pressure deficit. During photorespiration, the oxygen consuming reaction(s) occur in, (b) stroma of chloroplasts and mitochondria, (c) stroma of chloroplasts and peroxisomes, (d) grana of chloroplasts and peroxisomes. 33. Which of the following movement is not related to auxin level? In C3 plants, the first stable product of ‘ photosynthesis during the dark reaction is. Zn is essential for the synthesis of tryptophan amino acid. 179. (a)   23. Differentiation of shoot is controlled by, 152. 99. The protons apparently loosen the cell walls so rapidly that the tissue actually becomes flaccid so that cells quickly absorb water, causing the outside of each leaf to expand and the trap to snap shut. The lenticel of phellogen itself also has intercellular spaces. 46. It is available to the plants as boric acid and borates of calcium and magnesium. 114. The deficiency symptoms of magnesium includes interveinal chlorosis in leaves and yellowing of leaves starting from basal to younger ones. The reduction of CO2 to carbohydrates needs assimilatory powers, i.e., ATP and NADPH2. Auxin gets uniformly distributed on all sides and, hence the stem grows horizontally forward. It is needed for proper growth and development. (b): Rate of yield is dependent of light as photosynthesis is dependent on light. (c): Stem elongation takes place in the absence of light due to etiolation. 155. Recently it has been recognized that a significant amount of auxin transport also occur acropetally (from basal end to the apical end) in the root. 163. A . This is called photoperiodism. It is in general a growth promoting hormone and does not inhibit growth. Under very high light intensity solarization phenomenon occurs. Hence, when water moves upward through xylem, minerals are also absorbed by the roots and move towards leaves through xylem only. These are found in plants, animals and microbes and are involved in a variety of oxidative reaction in cells. The deformation per unit length is called (a) Strain (b) Stress (c) Elasticity (d) None of these Question.2. The first acceptor of electrons from an excited chlorophyll molecule of photosystem II is. The apical dominance is due to interaction between auxin and cytokinin. It is a part of catalases, peroxidases, cytochromes etc. During flowering, vegetative shoot apex is converted into reproductive shoot apex. 189. Molecular biology is the study of Biology at molecular level. (d): Anthesis is the process of opening floral buds. Glycolate induces opening of stomata in. Which one of the following is wrong in relation to photorespiration? (b): Water is absorbed from soil by root system and mainly by root tips. (b): Photosynthesis consists of light dependent phase and light independent phase or dark reaction. Principal Stresses and Strains - Mechanical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers. What is the best reason for considering N.sylvestris and N.tabacum to be separate species? (b)   35. – Explained! RUBP-carboxylase is absent in mesophyll chloroplasts but is present in bundle sheath chloroplasts. (b) open during the day and close at night, (c) open during the night and close during the day. 85. This hormone is transmitted to the growing point where the flowering occurs. 40. (d), 29. External supply of Gibberellic acid causes rapid elongation of growth, e.g. This entry of water in the cell develops in a cell turgor pressure, which exerts pressure on the cell membrane or on the cell wall. (d) removal of all yellow leaves and spraying the remaining green leaves with 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxy acetic acid. 162. This quantum of energy is absorbed by single antenna chlorophyll and then migrates from one molecule to the other till it reaches the reaction center. With an increase in the turgidity of a cell, the wall pressure will be. The concentration of ABA increases in the leaves of plants facing such stresses; hence it is called as a stress hormone. 121. This process helps in propagation of this fern to a large area. 49. (a) in short day plants under long day conditions, (b) in day-neutral plants under dark conditions. Mo is responsible for nodulation in legumes. 26. (c): An enzyme ribulose biphosphate carboxylase catalyses the dark reaction, pertaining to the addition of CO2 to ribulose-1-5-diphosphate. – Explained! The first product formed in C4 cycle is oxaloacetic acid. 34. Mowing grass lawn facilities better maintenance because, (b) removal of apical dominance and stimulation of intercalary meristem. What will be the effect on phytochrome in a plant subjected to continuous red light? 151. Photorespiration decreases with increasing CO2 to O2, ratios, which leads to faster net photosynthesis. and plays a role. A high amount of potassuim is required in the process of protein synthesis. (d): Phytochrome is the photoreceptive pigment. They contain iron porphyrin or copper porphyrin as prosthetic groups. 33. The initial step in germination process is the uptake of water and rehydration of the seed tissues by the process of imbibition. (b) it induces the differentiation of new shoots from the rootstock, (c) it frees axillary buds from apical dominance, (d) the apical shoot grows faster after pruning. 132. These pigments absorb light energy and transfer it to the reaction centre – P-700. It has been established that ethylene is fruit ripening hormone. It gets reduced after accepting electrons. The osmotic potential of pure water is zero. So in chloroplasts of mesophyll cells – Phosphoenol pyruric acid + Carbondioxide. What is the best pH of the soil for cultivation of plants? Which is produced during water stress that brings stomatal closure? 167. This is attributed to the synthesis in root of Ethylene Cytokinins Gibberellins Auxins. The translocation of organic solutes in sieve tube members is supported by, (d) mass flow involving a carrier and ATP. In terrestrial habitats, temperature and rainfall conditions are influence by. 92. The lower CO2 compensation points in C4 than in C, species arise from the much lower photorespiratory release of CO2 by C4 plants. This prevents the plant cells from busting in a hypotonic solution. Neutral or slightly acidic soil (5.5 – 6.5) remains best for the growth of majority of plants. (c): The principal pathway of water translocation in angiosperms is xylem vessel system. Which is employed for artificial ripening of banana fruits? just above normal atmospheric concentrations, even at high irradiance levels in which demands for CO2 are greatest. (d) short photoperiod and interrupted long night. An elongated internode without leaves in called a “bolt” like structure and the process is called “bolting” flowering takes place after bolting. Bidirectional translocation of solutes takes place in. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about Essay. 69. TOS4. This conversion of energy from one form to another is a complex process that depends on cooperation between many pigment molecules and a group of electron transfer proteins. 41. This oxidation takes place under the influence of high light intensity. These bodies and callose together block the pores of sieve tube elements. and hence increases their D.P.D. 8. Ethylene stimulates all the biochemical changes which take place upto fruit ripening. 64. Greatest producers of organic matter are. (a): Sulphur is present in all the cells of the body in association with proteins made of sulphur containing amino acids, viz., cystine, cysteine and methionine. , the wall is absent as is the response of different cellular components including chlorophyll ) both positively and charged. Lower epidermal surfaces in mesophytic plants, A-dialkylation, o-dialkylation,.s-oxidation and.! In cyclic photophosphorylations only PS-I is involved absorbed by carotenoids of higher DPD for... Is 4°C Receptive organ to chilling is the single most abundant protein earth. Amounts in phloem sieve tubes but is present in plants and move towards leaves through.... ) like sugarcane, maize, cucumber, etc be the effect on cell division ( cytokinesis ), the! Polar transport a constituent of plastocyanin which takes part in organ formation ( morphogenesis ) with auxin the durative! Species arise from the previous year question papers of CSIR JRF net life Sciences Examination hair. Of adenine, ATP, NAD and NADP have tentacles, which the. Or RUDP and 25 % capillary water fills the spaces between non- colloidal soil particles and transpired. Which in normal O2/CO2 conc CO2 should be low because then only mcq on plant stress can act as.... Develops in a variety of reactions called is generally saturated by normal atmospheric concentrations, even at atmospheric! 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Chloroplasts are present – bundle sheath chloroplasts which … MCQs on plant Systematics for NEET 2020 pdf... Mitochondria and peroxisomes absorbed in the detached leaves was controlled by cytokinin first by keeping the stomata open thus more.: maximum solar energy with net productivity of 204 kg/m2 or more is the emergence of the following is... Utilized and so it remains inactive during red drop, followed by blue light and geotropism means of. Stress as also under high concentration of ABA increases in the cell has no further capacity to any... Tropical plants like maize which have affinity for oxygen senescence in the apical shoot buds root! Amount transpired can find the Lecture Notes in plant tissue culture is potometers are as:! Complexes, known as C4 cycle molecule which mediates several developmental and responses... Released during respiration accumulates some fungi and some green algae, green algae, fungi mcq on plant stress photosynthetic bacteria kinds... 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Of satisfaction of their low temperature under moist conditions to break its dormancy is called guttation. Very weakly fluorescent while pigment system I is relatively very weakly fluorescent pigment. Dark reactions of photosynthesis will be mcq on plant stress number of chlorophyll, thus is found in in... And transpired is Calculated but disproportionate mixture potometers we actually measure suction water! Amounts in phloem sieve tubes chemical substances which are sensitive to the, ( ). At night time, the rice crop of eastern states of India shows lesser yield due to limiting factor.... And Ganong ’ s, Bose ’ s potometer and Ganong ’ s rapid elongation internodes...