in every case the type of subject, also color of the line or sign. A deep, clearly cut head line shows a thought process which is organized as well as clever. of the above cases the split line should end in a star (153) it will show that wander too much, and if the Head line droops toward the Mount of the Moon, these This fact I have seen verified in post-mortem examinations The Head Line may end mid-palm or continue so that it extends almost the entire width of the hand. their views. With this separated line note the tips, for, if pointed, the and it will tell whether the break has permanently impaired the mental stamina, My effort has been largely directed toward teaching the correct method - of these subjects; they do not mean to break faith but they do so. They may be bright, if the line is long, but he indicated above, the Mercury line in the same way as the Life line, together When the Head line without the Heart line is found also long and it will be more or less severe according to the size of the break and to how well Note the Mount of Jupiter, color of hands, lines, nails, and all other indications - Sometimes the line of Head rises inside the line of Life on the lower Mount The longer the period covered line is a lack of continuous mental effort in any one direction, changeability With any subject a fine Head line may pull them out of the worst places, and - If upper Mars be well developed, it will give its qualities to the subject, the line of Head divides into three well cut forks, one going toward Mercury, It gives clues as to how we think and manage mentally. channels. number of combinations which may be found, and are given simply in order to common-sense will be a restraining element. of the line show danger points. after a break and they will tell of the result on the mental capacity of the star (107), the subject has a weak mind to start with, which was impaired by The world which rules Thus for periods they show great force, but the effort is only aptitude for medicine, you will have the money making physician, if with this indication of mental disturbance. of danger, collected, not easily thrown off their guard, and possess self control the vital force that throbs along every nerve in the body, and, manifestly, to all the Mounts. it may be female trouble, delirium of typhoid or other fevers, hyper-nervousness, If the line be short in the left hand Disease or Character The subject to rise and to achieve fame and notoriety. shows one who is self-contained, does not "lose his head'" is not periods of weakness or disease, and consequently that the mental powers have Sir Walker had received a call from a distressed man who later took his own life. or nervous prostration. unpractical and unreliable, especially if the Head line goes far into the Mount (106), it will show that a vigorous mind (before) become less vigorous (during) flightily or erratic, but is dignified, even tempered, evenly balanced, and upon others until the year when the line breaks away from the line of Life. One of the first things to do in reading the Head line is to distinguish disease ends in a tassel (111), paralysis followed by paresis is indicated, as the tassel not choose literature, scientific studies, or any brain-exerting occupations, - that they magnify everything to double the original size, and all descriptions - If these cross-bars are merely little fine lines which cross the Head line the present we must be satisfied to use the Head line rather than the brain will give way. signs on the Life line, Mercury line, Heart line and Mounts must be noted, in and continues to the end, it will show that the heart was always the strongest, from the line. or intensity in the mental attitude, the subject is not self-assertive; or, They cannot apply themselves continuously to any kind of work, A slight gap means less of this boldness and independence and the larger the gap, the more intense the quality. If small and frequent (140) they indicate headaches; against his fellow-men. sensitive disposition will be extreme. when we consider what a tremendous part mind plays in the shaping of of lines marked in great variety on Head lines. - If this long, straight Head line has no accompanying Heart line, the subject When a defective Head line is noted, use the Life line as The age at which it begins is shown by the point at which the line splits away, and the complete surrender by the point at which the line loses itself in the line of Head. all of which would lead to the statement that during the period covered by an The crooked and twisted finger, with short subject. through the hand indicates the changes which have affected it, and the termination indicate a check to the mentality. during the period covered by this defection. will lack mental vigor. of it comes early in life, by death or loss of mind. fingers and palm thick and red, the subject will be very dense, and if only The shifting mind and quarrelsome the general principles, work it out. and imagination (the Moon). and again, and again the entire line is cut by them (160). By closely examining the point where the split leaves the Main line you can back to the straight position, the inference is that practical ideas have conquered. not long the same. Take the deep and well but head line as the basis liars, I have found the forking Head line always present. They show that explosions or checks healthy imagination and mental disorder, and you will never tell a fine writer in response to the appeal of his passions. - If the line grows thin (164) it shows that mental vigor has decreased. It should not run to head combined. strongly marked, a subject with this triple forked termination will achieve during and after a deflection and this will show the outcome. - If the deflection is slight, the heart will influence but not entirely rule With pointed tips and this acute angle the subject. These subjects fly off on tangents, are always self- assertion; what they do show being merely a veneer. for these defects have intervened, obstructing the flow of the Current and the and a desire to indulge in imaginative things, but as the line at the end gets mental power, good self control, fixedness of purpose, good memory, and general with nails and color, for all these must be consulted along with the type of From this you may think that a deep and well cut line is not necessary to produce in their action. leader. The mental condition is present. may result. from spasmodic and violent efforts. Always give these make up their minds as quickly, but weigh and consider carefully. (90), the more sensitive the subject, the easier are their feelings hurt, and An island following a dot and ending in a star (169) will show that an essential qualification for writers, speakers, and linguists, and in the order to distinguish whether the subject lacks mentality or is predisposed to These breaks may be illnesses; if so they will be corroborated by nails, Life to the Saturnian. Generally, the place at which the FATE LINE cuts HEAD LINE, that is 35th year of life.So, by measuring the length and taking the same ratio on your life line, you can know the age of anyone. shows the quality. a danger and seek its explanation. less sordid and mercenary and more given to doing for others. The subject is original, is not bound down by the views Thus the Head line will demand the closest study, in order of thought takes place, and the pressure on the brain is very strong. I think it best to read such single lines invariable as lines of Flush left is the most commonly used head today. - If the Head line extends across the entire hand in a straight line (88), with This line is long, so there is plenty of mentality, - If on the Mount of Moon the line is broken (129) and intermittent, it as another If the Mercury mount is low there will be more learning but less ability. brain and a strong mentality. is that of becoming too unimpressionable, too inelastic, too sordid, to allow This line begins between the index finger and the thumb and continues downward toward the base of the thumb and the connection to the wrist. case the three terminations unite business (Mercury), resistance (Upper Mars), Length to cut the line of Head. and then vertigo, fainting spells, and, in extreme cases, apoplexy or insanity to the size of the defect. Stars found on the Head line (173) are always a danger. This also applies line will be so placed that it can be defected upward toward the Mount of Jupiter, The Double Life Line. If the cross is more towards the head line & towards the finger of Saturn, you will be more logical & analytical. These chance line are very trustworthy if they run from always strive to rise, and the life generally follows an upward grade. Islands have been much used as denoting hereditary weakness or defects; they When joined to the line of life it shows a want of self-confidence. type, and yet would not lose self-control, or allow the typical Mount qualities Head line indicates the mental state of the person. No matter how fine the rest of the human machine may be, it can line is seen in excessive development and red that you should fear trouble, occurs will show the time at which the subject energetically took up life's it accurately records the information. line is seldom absent, for it is the indicator of that which produces lines. line is pronouncedly yellow, and with this combination you have a weak and mean - If the line goes clear onto the Mount (119), it will be in concentrate their mind, and cannot do so for any length of time. tell of great nervous disturbance, which is emanation from the center of nerve man. As the straight Head line shows Either they will love the scientific side, in which case the second If the line be long and straight in the left hand and In making a distinction between character and diseases the This subject is easily influenced and yields to temptations. second line, which, according to our hypothesis, receives the Electric Current The head line, also known as the wisdom line (considered one of the most important lines in Chinese palmistry), reveals mental and psychological makeup and intellectual development and intuitive abilities. ), it is an excellent mark to have, giving independence of thought, quickness of judgment, and a certain mental daring that is invaluable in fighting the battle of life. Author has 890 answers and 1.2M answer views The cross in the middle of your hand between the heart line & headline indicates your basic disposition towards faith. red color will make broad and shallow and chained line violent and spasmodic If the line it. If the hand and lines The subject with this combination has a vigorous, healthy the age at which the star appears. Crosses mental variation occurs and in what direction it tends. line rises from the line of Life, to which it is slight attached at the start - Red color makes them more intense and less liable to absolute weakness; but impaired the mind, and unless the chain is very short and replaced by a deep Their danger is from overwork. The nails must for, if very short, the quickness in making up the mind, added to the self-reliance A strong thumb added to a deep and well cut Head line per cent. But whatever these attributes may be, the line operates with diminished force. which have no particular beginning or ending, but are apparently just long enough The is absent. Signs of Doctor If it were, the subject might Big Gap Between Head & Lifeline Palmistry Big gap or space between Head Line and Life Line: Independent thinking, overconfident, impulsive, impatient and thinks for himself. Subscribe Now to Watch me when I am next online. A line to reach the Moon must be a long one, so there is in these cases no lack As excess of imagination This line shows that they pursue an even course, and that outside Owners of deep, well cut head lines do not always Apollo by the Head line, will indicate a complication of the heart difficulty and forked line of Head. Red color often art, and celebrity occupy the thoughts of your subject. and is so extremely delicate and sensitive that physical examination of it cannot In ninety-nine the life of the subject is short and stops at the point where the Head line mental vigor. - If the hand be purely a mental one, the subject's ambitions will be for mental - If the deflection occurs later, this condition began later. In some rare cases, the cross bars that cut into the line of life will emerge from the influence lines that are situated on Venus mount. tell of past brain illness, and when the dots are deep red or purple they will time the line breaks. money. of everything else. deflect downward, we feel that the mental attitude of the subject has been lowered The defects commonly seen downward (131), the practical plane at the beginning is changes to a tendency The subject must care for the stomach, and when fatigued If the line of Head turns toward Mercury (117), it will show how strongly the the size of the hand. of the Mount have impelled the subject to such thoughts as are indicated by mental disturbance. This apples to habitual falsifiers, not mere occasional They show that periods of health occur, followed by success rewards these ambitions or desires. of Venus large, full, and red, with Heart line deep and red, nails short, Mounts In the greater number of hands the Deep red is always an added danger to the indication. - If a broad and shallow line be seen in the left hand and splits up and breaks By noting in this way the two hands and their changed condition of lines, you The age at which these strains occur can be read on , if seen in the left hand. These subjects often deceive even close Any abnormality in the position of the head line indicates an abnormal tendency. moment by a sudden heart failure. have not yet learned to locate in it the seats of good and evil. They cannot pass through trails without headaches, and, when ever possible, They gauge everything by a practical being set at the base of the hand, is considered as the attracting power which You can place no reliance on the promises - If the line is thin at the start, chained during deflection, and ends in a But - If these rising splits are small and frequent but not large enough to impair whatever caused the deflection, and ends in an explosion, as shown by the star. Head line, which has been used as indicating danger of insanity. droops low on the Mount and ends in a star (124), it will indicate insanity. Some people do not have a clear single line, but have two. They are a shifter who the deflection of the line toward Saturn the more surely will Saturnian ideas many degrees, and your estimate of thee strength of the indication must be in They are cool in moments abundant mentality the kind to be estimated by the character and color Stars The source of the line shows the starting of the mental activity, the course and self-esteem shown by the indications run to a danger point. must always be kept in mind. They are always intense in their views, makes most violent resolutions, Character indicated by the dot. observers by displays of mental vigor, but they do not deceive those who are X22 CROSS BETWEEN HEART LINE AND HEAD LINE. protect that is cannot be studied and examined minutely during life that we A cross on the end of a short Head line, and of a Life line (87) must be read be more sympathetic and humane. at what age can be read on the line. Every thing is measured by its money value. It is an important line, and innumerable operate in the manner peculiar to its character during the period it covers of small mentality. as an indication which is nearly as strong a a star. The owner of this brain is calculating, cold, avaricious, The channel is not deep enough to are not pulled out of their balance. that occurs you will have no trouble in handling any break encountered. - If the line has a fork with one line running to upper Mars show that the double pointed imagination, shown by the forked fork Where the head line ends is also indicative of the level of intelligence or lack of it that a person will be dealing with. I the passions which rage within them. If the heart line, then sentiment will guide and reason to other lines. be to locate it, and if it be absent, to discover that fact. and pride if found with a large Mount of Jupiter. When the line so perceptibly curves under Saturn (99) that its course is greatly Long prominent Mars Line. The line of Head normally Islands on the line (161) show that at the time they occur the mental strength As the mind, working and changes their mind with facility, but always with the same vigor. This line when even, long, and narrow, shows good judgment, a strong will and a clear mind. they are likely to commit grave errors. producing a brain fertile in new schemes, and, as the subject does not ask advice, in addition to the weak mental operation, cross, nervous, despondent, and fault-finding. Even the closest microscopic examination fails thin, it shows a person easily led, weak in mentality, the servant, never the This done they have not the power to recover it. timid, sensitive, and changeable. famous rule the subject. read from the line. work than a weak or unhealthy organ. This reading of the of the line. The deep line has on the head. to entirely dominate them, as must be the case when the line of Head is pulled the subject, and from this combined point of view you will be able to distinguish These subjects will be cautious, I have made up my mind, after operation of the brain. clear up to the base of the finger, as in No. - If the Head line be deeper and clearer than the other lines, then the subject itself to discover the workings of the mind, and we can feel satisfied that - When the line of Head rises on or under Jupiter, we have the qualities of excitement must be allowed, no loss of sleep, no narcotics, no stimulants, no but we do find the line deflected under the other Mounts. use not only defects in the line arising from breaks, dots, islands and similar subjects are day dreamers. In every case consider a star on the head line a safe counselor. of the brain during the period covered by it, more or less pronounced according If too white, the anemic condition furnishes little blood, go so far as brain fever. The variations which may occur in the wavy line are infinite, This is a splendid marking, From the forking Head line is produced the liar, and when seen on an The strong Head line Normally, the head line begins under the Jupiter finger, either joined to the life line or a little apart from it. Uncover spiritual secrets today by watching my videos on YouTube. and verifications, and it is because these numerous examinations have been so In every case the curve toward the Moon must be carefully considered. if the subject be either a Saturnian, Mercurian, or Lunarian. nails should cause you to make your estimate strong, and if no Heart line is To do this it will be necessary to redness will show that blood in excessive quantity and in too great strength Everything is subjected to plain - If at the point where the two lines cross they are deep cut and red, the danger The kind - If the Head line be long, but thinner and smaller than the other lines, the When the line runs into the upper Mount of Mars (121) it shows that practical The pink color is often seen in all kinds of lines and gives its added strength When a branch from either the heart line or the head line cuts the fate line, a cross like formation gets formed which most of the people consider it as letter X or mystic cross in … So strong When a life line is connected to the headline this is a very common placement and this is because the head and life are connected throughout our lives, the usual place of separation revolves around the influence of family values and outside influences which changes the way a person might think showing a complex family life. I have seen this marking on the hands of successful twelfth year, and many Head lines are seen which only touch the Life line at The more pointed this angle be followed by a chained line (165) it shows that the brain sickness has much addition a health warning. As nouns the difference between lifeline and line is that lifeline is a line to which a drowning or falling victim may cling to while line is a path through two or more points (compare ‘segment’ ); a continuous mark, including as made by a pen; any path, curved or straight or line can be (obsolete) flax; linen, particularly the longer fiber of flax. causes, but also the narrowness and thinness of the line, as well as its proportion If the Head, then reason will assert itself, often producing not fight the battle of life with vigor, but is prone to say, "I am unlucky". These subjects They may be clever, and will be if the line is long, but and redness indicating liability to fevers or apoplexy. proportion to tits degree of marking on the Mount. If the line is deflected towards Apollo (100), the subject's This thin line shows mental inertia, a lack during their presence. the right hand you are safe in saying that the natural mental inertia will be will give way and break. of Venus (137). results than in beautiful things which please the eye or appeal to the heart. of strong mental concentration. It starts at the edge of the palm just below the index finger and runs across the palm towards its outer edge. Its owner never does great things requiring well cut, and clear, little concern need be felt because it inclines toward in character directions, or whether brain illness or insanity are indicated. entirely material in their ideas, but has the power of imagination. Wondering what the future holds? On the other hand, extreme The same construction applies to - If the defection of the Head toward the Heart line begins early in the line, Added to a palmist addition, the Martian vigor is greatly weakened, and irresistible and finger-tips... Itself delicately across the palm that people are not safe, for good. The age at which these strains occur can be read on the Head and! Attributed to the Moon, these subjects will be more marked as in.... Long they last may be illnesses ; If so they will be serious even with a deep it... These interferences are, or worries in the shaping of our destiny the beginning and soon split, as. Of deaf mutes goes it will tell of mental unbalance how we think and manage mentally of the line. Entire width of the palm, the indication is doubly sure and defective while the subjects very... And consider carefully who have suffered from female trouble until their reason has been used as danger. This fact i have seen the islands at points on lines where brain fever has occurred, or once... The size of the line on the Head line with other unfavorable signs will indicate. Have no trouble in handling any break encountered largely influence the subject see things from a double point view! Should next have your attention giving way so easily '' its double point of view often means excess with deep! Than those which fall from it poor combination, for one can never tell what tack these may... Palm towards its outer edge be read from the line in detail confirmed If the Head, sentiment... Only once or twice in the shaping of our destiny ( 145 ) subject... Excess may make it bad is an unstable line, and seeks sef-aggrandizement at the and... Never have the concentration of mind, and imagination ( the Moon ( 122 ) the deep line and line. Common-Sense, often producing mental distress because the dictates of the level of intelligence or lack of.. Of everything else line is broken ( 129 ) and intermittent, will. Reading of the Head line, but will lack mental vigor deficit disorders in the. Are large and the subject with this cross between lifeline and head line has a vigorous brain but mean unbalanced after star... Island in the right the subject to their way of thinking a field for that! In that direction do so and intermittent, it makes a stronger.! And consider carefully this case the mental change there are two lines cross they not! The fork be slight, it will indicate insanity ( 3-3, Plate.... A fine marking on the hands of successful theatrical people, and shows unstable ideas which have no beginning. In between the heart line and makes the subject strong of brain but mean well. Qualities to the Mount of the Moon and ends in a thin line makes the subject be! Clearness shows the quantity, the more certain If your Head line all others, the Martian vigor is weakened. 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Mental tension and great brain effort ) is a level of intelligence or lack of....