To safely check on rhizome growth, gently dig out the cutting with a small spoon, and carefully look for development. Native to South Africa, it is an ornamental houseplant with deep green glossy leaves that reflect sunlight. In zones 10 to 12, ZZ plants can be grown outside in areas with filtered light and well-draining soil. 1. Zamioculcas zamiifolia ZZ Plants Features: An Overview. Temperatures around the cuttings should reach about 80 degrees Fahrenheit, if possible, since warmer temperatures can help support growth. Related Videos. Remove it from the container and cut the root system in half. ZZ Plants (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) are widely popular houseplants that are easy to grow, reaching heights of over three feet tall with proper care. ZZ plants grow from large, thick rhizomes that resemble potatoes. Using a sharp knife, cut the rhizomes from which the roots are emerging. When you think of plant roots, you probably think of lots of tiny strands, digging into the dirt. Try to disrupt the plant as little as possible. As a result, ZZ Plants do not thrive when overwatered. ZZ Plant Propagation is quite easy, and here’s all the information you need to grow it! Since the leaves and stem are excellent at conveying the health of the plant, they can tell you all you need to know about the needs of your ZZ. I used a planting mixture of 3/4 potting soil with 1/4 succulent and cactus mix.A few handfuls of compost were tossed in along the way as well as a 1″ layer of worm compost towards the top. There is a common misconception that ZZ Plants are poisonous, or even dangerous. You may want to choose a thin, plastic starter pot. This way, you can have 2-3 more plants, depending more on the size of the mother plant. Start using small amounts of water to dampen the soil, and look for changes in the leaves. Naturally, ZZ owners have wondered if these stems can be planted to grow new plants. If you must check the plant rhizomes, only check once a month, and never yank the plant from the dirt. Let’s have a detailed look at the most popular ways to propagate a ZZ Plant. #zzplant #zamioculcas #propagate #propagation #zzplant … Plus it makes for a lovely decorative foliage arrangement while … ZZ plants propagate in two main ways: through division, and through leaf cuttings. Don’t eat your ZZ Plant and don’t handle the broken stems bare-handed, and your ZZ Plant will never cause you any problems.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thehealthyhouseplant_com-box-4','ezslot_3',109,'0','0'])); ZZ Plants have a unique root system, which makes it easy to propagate them from stem cuttings. It makes sense you could propagate them by seed but I don’t know anyone who has done that. Check out our article on Kalanchoe Plant Propagation here. And since ZZ Plants grow slowly, you probably won’t need to repot your cuttings for a year or more. Zamioculcas zamiifolia, also known as the ZZ plant, is an East African native that also grows well in USDA hardiness zones 9b through 11. This large, rounded structure helps the plant store water and nutrients, leading to the hardiness we all come to appreciate from the ZZ. If the dryness on the leaves spreads, you can add an additional day of misting. Ideally, the stems will have healthy leaves on them. With proper care, these cuttings will grow into healthy ZZs to add to your collection. If your plant is overcrowded, division is appropriate. Keep the leaves at shade for a couple of hours, so they develop a callus. To propagate your ZZ plant, wait until it’s mostly dry. With the right amount of light, well-draining soil, and a little bit of patience, a ZZ Plant can be propagated in just a few months. You can easily propagate a healthy steel plant by taking stem cuttings, a leaf cutting, or using the soil-division method. 1. There is a new ZZ plant variety you might consider if you can find it. It is a plant with tuberous rhizomes, so the stems are under the soil like potatoes and Dahlias (they look very like Dahlia tubers actually, just with much fatter succulent roots). Carefully remove the mother plant from the soil. All these benefits make this plant expensive, and if you’re not willing to shell out your hard-earned money, you can start ZZ Plant Propagation at home after knowing these tips. It is the least common way to propagate it, which is why it’s better if you grow it from cuttings or division. snake plant and zz plant propagation-2. This way, leaves will develop into new plants in 4-6 weeks. It will be tempting to upend the plant to look for the development of a root system. Gently place the plant into the dirt, carefully patting the potting mix pack into place around the stem. With a clean, sharp blade, cut through the leaf as close to the base as possible. # zzplant # zamioculcas # repot # propagate # houseplant # indoorplant. ZZ plants grow from large thick rhizomes. You can also use half perlite and half peat for a medium or grow them in just coconut coir. Stems should be a bit firm to the touch, with a nice, uniform color. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas) Propagation. Your goal is to allow the air to create a callus on each stem’s end.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thehealthyhouseplant_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',112,'0','0'])); These calluses are important because those cells will help grow new rhizomes. Indoor temperatures between 59 degrees and 79 degrees should be just fine for established ZZ Plants. I used a planting mixture of 3/4 potting soil with 1/4 succulent and cactus mix.A few handfuls of compost were tossed in along the way as well as a 1″ layer of worm compost towards the top. ZZ Plants, Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, are a wildly popular, easy-to-grow, houseplant. How To Grow A ZZ Plant Safely. While ZZ Plants can survive in the shade, they cannot survive in muddy soil. But don’t get carried away! But what about pets? Now, you’re ready to start cutting. Armed with a few simple tips and a healthy dose of patience, your ZZ stem cutting will grow and mature, adding another gorgeous, Zamioculcas Zamiifolia to your home or office. How to propagate ZZ plant; Do ZZ Plants Grow Fast? This can increase the moisture level around the plant, without risking root rot. Once your cuttings grow roots, follow these tips to re-pot them successfully: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In this propagation experiment I wanted to test which method would work best in y environment. Here are two of the most popular methods to propagate ZZ Plants. ZZ Plant has only one species that is known as Zamioculca zamiifolia and is a tropical type plant that comes from Africa. This will give the soil a light, sandy texture. When you notice that it has developed an inch of roots, you can plant it in the soil. Because of that coating, most ZZ Plant owners never experience any irritation at all, and calcium oxalate only appears if leaves or stems are broken. It would be better if you’ll wear gloves to protect your hands from its irritating sap. These rhizomes store water, which is why the plant does well during droughts and places where forgetful owners live. Help for an Overwatered ZZ Plant: 5 Steps to Recovery, How to Choose the Best Soil and Pot for Your ZZ Plant, ZZ Plants and Coffee Grounds: Tips to Naturally Fertilize Your Plant, Why Is My ZZ Plant Not Growing? ZZ Plants create a substance called calcium oxalate, which is made of tiny crystals. ZZ — shorthand for the plant’s tongue-tangling botanical name, Zamioculcas zamiifolia — may be the solution for anyone who wishes they could grow something — anything — without much attention and hassle, and better still if it can thrive on neglect. Sporting leaves that appear to have been polished to a magnificent luster, ZZ plant adds a pop of interest to any setting. You can take a cutting anywhere on a leaf a long as it has at least 2 leaflets attached. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thehealthyhouseplant_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_1',111,'0','0'])); Found your stems? This plant is one of my top 5 favorite easy-to-propagate plants which I shared recently. These crystals are sharp, and while they can’t actually cut your skin, they can cause irritation or even an itchy or painful rash. To reduce the risk of rot, you can use a small container of well-draining moist soil instead. Instead, plant your cuttings in well-draining soil for a more successful propagation. To prevent overwatering and root rot, only choose containers that have at least one drainage hole. If you are planting a leaf, the hole should be about 1 centimeter deep. While the slow growth of ZZs can be a little frustrating for plant lovers, there is one major advantage to this: they do not need to be continually repotted. You’ll need to provide them with what they need to thrive, which starts with proper pots and soil. 1. Tips & Tricks for Happy Leaves, When to Water Your ZZ: Four Signs Your Plant Needs a Drink. The ZZ plant is a plant with tall, leafy fronds that are a perfect fit for striking interior designs. Once the rhizome has developed, which can take months to a year, you will start to see new growth above the surface of your plant. However, they help protect the plant and can begin to grow from cuttings of leaves and stems. Trim the rotten or dead roots, if any, using a shear. 3:12. Just mist the growing medium regularly to maintain slight moisture when you see it getting dried. The ZZ plant is easy to root from a simple cutting placed in water. Repeat this step with your second cutting, and place the stems on a warm, dry surface for a few hours. As it tolerates low light, dry air, and purifies the air, growing it indoors makes a lot of sense. The ZZ plant is an easy to grow and care for indoor plant that displays small glossy leaves on stems which can grow up to 3 ft long indoors. The smallest piece was potted along with the largest plant. Other botanical synonyms for these plants include Zamioculcas Loddigesii, Caladium Zamiaefolium, and Zamioculcas Lanceolata. Once the leaves develop a root system, transplant each ZZ leaf into a separate 4-inch pot filled with damp potting soil. Now, position the cutting in a transparent jar or glass filled with room temperature water. Place your plant in an area where it will receive bright, indirect light throughout the day. Pulling on the stem can tear or detach any rhizomes that may be developing. How to Propagate a ZZ plant very easy / Zanzibar Gem - YouTube Take off the leaves from a healthy stem. Water the newly planted stems gently, being careful not to uncover them. It really doesn’t need to be fertilized much- maybe a diluted application in spring and then again in summer. Type Tropical houseplant Lifespan Perennial USDA Zones 9-12 Light Tolerates low light These root structures are called rhizomes. This is applicable both for the common green ZZ plant varieties and the new black raven ZZ. If your plant’s stems ever start to get wacky or grow into spaces you don’t want them to be in, you can easily prune the plant by snipping the stems off. The quickest way to multiply a large and full-size ZZ plant is by division. I'm not a fan of rooting plant cuttings in water, for several reasons. Also, if you are growing your plant in an office, artificial light can sustain your Zamioculcas Zamiifolia. Low Light. And, the baby plants won’t be as large as the parent. I divided my ZZ plant … Before you start snipping, take a minute to look over your ZZ. It is a very slow process. Also, since your ZZ cuttings are still saplings, don’t water them as much as you would a mature plant. Mix some potting mix in a pot and insert the leaves in standing position. With that in mind, higher temperatures are better. How to propagate a ZZ plant There are several ways of multiplying a Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant: cuttings from leaves or stems, root ball division, and waiting for it to go to seed. Propagating a ZZ plant is useful because the plant helps purify the air in homes and offices. It spanned a total of 2.5 months and I have to say the results were pretty surprising. HuperziaHuperzine-A is a compound that... © 2020 Balcony Garden Web | All rights reserved, ZZ Plant Propagation | How to Propagate a ZZ Plant, Check out our article on ZZ Plant benefits, For more information, watch this tutorial video, 15 Indoor Plant Propagation Station Ideas, How to Make a Garnish Garden in Containers, 20 Practical Indoor Window Shelf Ideas for Plants, 6 Potent Indoor Palm Benefits Proven in Studies, 11 Upcoming 2021 Gardening Trends That You Must Check Out, 30 Pictures of Houseplants With Vintage Style Décor, 17 Proven Plants That Improve Memory & Concentration. Stems with leaves seem to propagate a bit more quickly. That does not mean placing your plant near a heater. Heating systems dry the air and won’t be good for the health of your plant. Growing ZZ Plants: Tips at a Glance. It is possible to propagate a ZZ plant from a stem (in water) or leaf (in soil), however, if is going to grow roots much more slowly than something like a pothos or a philodendron, and there is a greater chance of failure. ZZs are tropical plants that are winter hardy between USDA zones 9-10. Make sure to change the water every 7-8 days or whenever it becomes hazy. Because ZZ is a succulent, you should not keep the soil saturated. You can also expose it to 2-3 hours of the morning sun to encourage growth. You can also make it at home with the recipes. Botanical Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Gently tap the root ball to remove excess soil. (I would recommend trying to propagate 3 or 4 leaves or stems at once, in case you lose some along the way). Except for vegetables & annual flowers, propagating by seed takes way too long in my book. Don’t do this very often. In this video I show you the simple way to spread Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, and follow the channel to watch the update video with the results of this propagation in the future. You have entered an incorrect email address! I did find this article which debunks myths and explains the Zamioculcas zamiifolia is a plant from east Africa growing not in deserts, but in shady forested areas. It’s called Zamioculcas Zamiifolia “Raven” or the Raven ZZ plant. Leaf propagation – Pick a healthy leaf, place it in a pot filled with soil, sticking the cut edge in the ground. This is how I ultimately divided the ZZ Plant. Don’t place the pots in an area that gets harsh sunlight. But since these plants can grow so large, it’s common for ZZ owners to ask if they can be divided, creating two or more moderately-sized plants. Personally, I usually use a succulent blend potting soil, which has the perfect consistency for baby ZZs. This is handy if you have an accident and an entire stem falls out of the plant and you would rather try and get it back in with the rest of the plant in the future instead of stripping it's leaves and trying to create multiple plants (see below). Learn all about ZZ Plant Propagation and care in this article. Once your plant has spread within a half-inch of the edge of the planter, or you start to see exposed rhizomes, it is time to repot. Separate the plants, gently untangling any roots and if necessary, using a pair of clean shears or a knife to separate any tangled roots. Keep the cutting in indirect sunlight. You can also keep that in a shady spot, but you may see results a bit late if the temperature is not around 80 F (27 C). But remember, you are trying to encourage your new stem cutting to grow a new rhizome. Type – indoor plant, succulent Height – 1 ½ to 3 ft (0.5 to 1 m) indoors Exposure – well-lit, indirect Proper watering is essential to the health of your stem cuttings. The ZZ plant is native to parts of Africa. The second reason is that the roots that do develop in water don't always adapt well to … Make sure not to damage them in the process. Using your finger, create a small hole in the potting mix for every stem you will be planting. Most literature says that ZZ plants grow slowly, but this is not my experience! Keep in mind that these plants originate in Africa, so bright light is part of their natural environment. Do not press hard around the stem, or you may damage any forming rhizomes. Constant sunlight will burn your plant’s leaves, so consider a window with a curtain to protect your plant. It is possible to propagate a ZZ plant from a stem (in water) or leaf (in soil), however, if is going to grow roots much more slowly than something like a pothos or a philodendron, and there is a greater chance of failure. ZZ Plant Propagation / How to Grow ZZ Plant. The ZZ plant is a great choice for a house or office plant because of its forgiving nature and lack of interest by most pests and diseases. ZZ plant is also called arum fern, cardboard palm, eternity plant, and aroid palm. Using your finger, create a small hole in the potting mix for every stem you will be planting. ZZ Plant Propagation / How to Grow ZZ Plant. If you can provide basic care, it should grow beautifully for you. The zamioculcas zamiifolia (botanical name) grows well in low or bright lighting conditions and with frequent or much less frequent amounts of water. Caring for it is such an easy feat it’s even been called the plant of steel or cast-iron plant!. But, for the sake of your Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, resist the urge to keep checking on the rhizomes. This is how I ultimately divided the ZZ Plant. Keep a close eye at the base of the cutting. Instead, choose a pot that only allows about 1-2 inches around the plant on each side. Easy-to-grow Zamioculcas zamiifolia will tolerate low light and dry spells (make sure it has well-drained soil). The results of propagating a ZZ Plant by rooting stem cuttings in water: The stems you see in the green vase are 28″ long, give or take a bit. Propagating ZZ plants is as easy as separating these or you can try rooting leaf cuttings. A dream plant for beginners, Zamioculcas zamiifolia, the ZZ plant is not only easy to take care of, it’s also easy to propagate. The quickest way is by division. The first is division which means you divide the plant once it's a very large size and too big for its pot. Repeat the steps with the next cutting until they are all planted. However, look for spaces with significant light throughout the day, such as one with permanent overhead lights, or “safety lighting.” Interior offices that are dark all weekend will not be a good fit for the plant’s long-term health. All about ZZ plant care and ZZ plant propagation and care in this post, l ’ need! 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