there’s a lot of um… er.. support.”. Home » Bret Weinstein » Unity 2020 (DarkHorse Duo) Plan Discussed on The Hill TV – Rising Unity 2020 (DarkHorse Duo) Plan Discussed on The Hill TV – Rising. 5:13. Get news from the left, right and center. Eric was even harsher towards Romney, declaring that, “he was part of the thing that broke our bonds with our fellow country men” and then concluded that “[Mitt and Condi] are part of a group that carved us up and served us to each other”??? Articles Featured on AllSides. Their behavior leading up to and after the 2020 election was fundamentally unAmerican. Literally, the real Unity2020 is the friends we make along the way. $5. “We have to get over the idea that when somebody runs[…] for the office of president that the right reaction is to ask them a million questions about what they’ll do in office, what policies they advocate. Wouldn’t in make more sense for a smaller group like Unity to join up with one that already has candidates and staff and offices and is on the ballot and whose supporters out number their own by a hundred to one, rather than vice versa? “Although I would consider myself on the far left and you consider yourself on the right we found a tremendous amount on which we agreed and very little on which we disagreed.”. Watch Now. It would’ve been weird if Crenshaw hadn’t declined the Unity2020 offer. Bret Weinstein is creating content on evolution, civilization, and intolerance. Bret Weinstein announced the Unity2020 plan for Ballot access on Sept 1st. And simply being courageous and patriotic and whatever other bullshit adjectives you want to throw at the beast in an attempt to kill it with pretension and synonyms… none of that will be enough to insulate you from those corrupting influences. The answer to those questions, whatever they might be, comprise shared goals and a common cause. Two weeks later on July 21 Andrew Yang addressed #DarkHorseDuo by name, when he was asked about it during a livestream appearance. (02:10:54). #59: 2020 Jumped the Shark But Will We Stick the Landing? Other episodes of the Dark Horse Podcast will be solo-missions in which Bret dives into issues alone, using an evolutionary lens to reveal patterns in nature--including human-nature. Visiting Fellow Dr. Bret Weinstein at the James Madison Program at Princeton discusses why he is calling for unity of the center-left and center-right. Kudos. On Aug 8th, armed with this data that his presidential ticket would need candidates, Weinstein took to twitter to open a “nomination” process. winners, which read like a list a list of the IDW’s favorite podcast guests. In this episode, we discuss the COVID-19 vaccines, and what questions you would... #57: Big Game, and the Women Who Hunted It (Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying DarkHorse Livestream). Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. On Aug 5th, with the Republic still in jeopardy and the promised groundswell still over the horizon, Bret welcomed his brother Eric to his youtube channel for a special livestream dubbed the Unity 2020 Campfire. Video. Instead they offer platitudes and cliches about “patriotism” (ugh) and “bipartisanship” (uuuggghh) that were already old and worn out by the start of the Obama administration. Update 09.22.2020 12pm: Edited for clarity and typos. Oopsie. Rogan, though quite deferential towards Weinstein’s widely-advertised genius, seemed unconvinced. Find more from us on Bret’s website ( or Heather’s... #55: Nothing to Queer but Queer Itself (Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying DarkHorse Livestream). And who exactly are the powerful? On August 28th the official Unity 2020 twitter account (@articlesofunity) was. What metrics are going to be used? I wondered to myself, were these off the record conversations with Yang or McRaven? Seems like a rather severe handicap to commit oneself to. With the issue of finding suitable candidates not solved at all and still very much a problem, the Unity 2020 gang set their sites on ballot access. But you’re also going to meet people you would’ve never met otherwise.